The United States in Prophecy

Characteristics of the Second Beast
Who is the second beast? God doesn't leave us to speculate on this point. He gives us characteristics which shows us who this power is. Here are the characteristics: (Rev. 13:11-16)
  • It comes out of the earth
  • It has two horns like the Lamb
  • It is a superpower
  • It reproduces the same type of power that the first beast had

Compared with the amount of description that we are given for the preceeding beasts, this is not a whole lot of information to go on. But in fact it is enough so that we can make a clear determination.

Comes up out of the earth - All of the previous beasts have come out of the sea. This one does not. All of the 4 empires that we have studied have emerged as a result of conflict between peoples with one winning in battles against the other. But the second beast doesn't emerge as a result of such conflict. Hold that thought.

Superpower "makes all the earth" - The second beast has enough power to make the entire world conform to its will.

2 horns like a Lamb - Just 5 verses earlier we are told who this Lamb is...Jesus. So the second beast starts out as a Christian nation; treating even conquered nations with dignity; upholding civil and religious liberty around the world.

Reproducting the same type of power of the first beast - Unlike the previous beasts, the Papacy was noted for its religious power being predominant over the civil powers. In other words, religion was in control of the state. The second beast is described as being Christian but one in which religion eventually gains control of the political process.

So, what nation has come into existance having not overthrown a preceeding kingdom? It is a Christian nation that becomes a superpower. It becomes a superpower sometime after the first beast received its wound (1798). It is Christian with the potential for religion to take control of the state.

Doesn't only the U.S. fit this description?